The Speed System

Are you a parent looking to invest in a sports performance program for your youth athlete? If so, it’s crucial to consider the return on investment. You want to ensure that your child’s time, effort, and money are well-spent and result in noticeable improvements in their athletic performance. But what exactly makes a good sports performance program?

In this article, we will dive deep into the key factors that contribute to an effective sports performance program for young athletes. From expert coaching and specialized training techniques to injury prevention strategies and psychological support, we will explore the elements that can optimize your child’s athletic development.

Understanding return on investment (ROI) in sports performance

To determine the ROI of a sports performance program, it’s essential to consider both the tangible and
intangible benefits. Tangible benefits include measurable improvements in physical attributes, such as speed, strength, and endurance. These improvements can be objectively assessed through performance metrics, such as timed runs, jump heights, or weightlifting benchmarks.

Intangible benefits, on the other hand, are more subjective and difficult to quantify. They include factors such as increased confidence, improved mental toughness, enhanced teamwork skills, and a greater sense of discipline and dedication. While these benefits may not be immediately measurable, they can have a significant impact on an athlete’s overall development and long-term success.

When evaluating the ROI of a sports performance program, it’s also important to consider the long-term
implications. Will the skills and techniques learned in the program translate into success at higher levels of competition? Will the athlete be able to apply what they’ve learned to future endeavors, whether it’s college sports, professional opportunities, or lifelong fitness?

5 Key components of a good sports performance program

      1. Monitoring and assessment: A good sports performance program should include regular monitoring and assessment of the athlete’s progress. This allows coaches to track improvements, identify areas for further development, and make necessary adjustments to the training plan

      1. Injury prevention strategies: Injuries are a common concern in youth sports. Look for programs that prioritize injury prevention and incorporate strategies to minimize the risk of injuries. This may include proper warm-up and cool-down routines, stretching exercises, strength training, and education on injury prevention techniques.

      1. Age-appropriate programming: Youth athletes have unique needs and developmental considerations. A good sports performance program should take into account the age, physical maturity, and skill level of each athlete. Look for programs that offer age-appropriate programming, ensuring that the training methods and intensity are suitable for your child’s stage of development.

      1. Specialized training techniques: Look for programs that offer a well-rounded approach to training, addressing both physical and technical aspects of the sport. For example, here at The Speed System, we use position and sports-specific testing to help us tailor our program to each individual athlete.

      1. Expert coaching: The quality of coaching is a crucial factor in a sports performance program. Look for programs that have experienced, certified coaches who specialize in working with youth athletes. These coaches should have a deep understanding of the sport, as well as the ability to effectively communicate and motivate young athletes.

    Factors to consider when evaluating the ROI of a sports performance program

    When evaluating the return on investment (ROI) of a sports performance program for your youth athlete, it’s important to consider several factors that can impact the overall value and effectiveness of the program. These factors can help you make an informed decision and ensure that your child’s time, effort, and money are well-spent. Let’s explore some of the key factors to consider when evaluating the ROI of a sports performance

        1. Program cost: The cost of the program is an obvious factor to consider when evaluating ROI. Look for programs that offer a reasonable balance between cost and value. While a higher price doesn’t always guarantee better quality, extremely low-cost programs may lack the necessary resources and expertise to deliver effective results. Consider your budget and weigh it against the potential benefits and value provided by the program. Also, keep in mind, that you get what you pay for. So programs that seem cheaper, may not provide the expertise needed for your youth athlete.
        2. Program duration: The duration of the program can also impact its ROI. Some programs are short-term, focusing on a specific training period or season, while others offer year-round training and support. Consider the time commitment required by the program and how it fits into your child’s schedule and other activities. A longer program may provide more opportunities for growth and development, but it may also require a greater investment of time and resources.
        3. Track record and reputation: Look for programs with a proven track record of success and a positive reputation in the sports community. Research the program’s history, speak to other parents or athletes who have participated in the program, and read reviews or testimonials. A program with a strong reputation for producing successful athletes and providing a positive experience is more likely to deliver a higher ROI.


      Armed with this knowledge, you can make an informed decision when selecting a sports performance program for your youth athlete. Remember to consider their specific needs, goals, and aspirations, and to assess the potential return on investment based on both tangible and intangible benefits.

      Whether you come and train with us here at The Speed System or go elsewhere, investing in your youth
      athlete’s athletic development is not just about the immediate results; it’s about providing them with the tools, skills, and mindset to succeed in their chosen sport and beyond. By choosing the right sports performance program, you can help your child maximize their potential, achieve their athletic goals, and lay the foundation for a lifelong love of sports and physical fitness.