The Speed System

Virtual Training and Speed Analysis

How it works?


Capture Video

Crucial step! Record yourself sprinting at regular speed from a side perspective. Position yourself approximately 2 to 3 yards away (about 15-20 feet) to guarantee the entire body is captured within the frame.


Submit Video

To submit your video, utilize the form below or alternatively, you can email it to . We will verify that the video is in the appropriate format for thorough analysis. If the video does not meet the necessary recording standards, we will request a new recording.


In-depth analysis

We will carefully review your video and conduct a thorough analysis of your sprinting technique. We will examine both early acceleration and top speed mechanics.


Receive feedback

We offer three option for receiving feedback. This will be done through virtual call with Coach Tee. You will receive valuable insights and recommendations for improving your technique.

We offer three options for receiving feedback:

One Time Analysis


You’ll engage in a 60-minute virtual session with Coach Tee, where you’ll receive personalized recommendations for enhancing your speed. Throughout the call, feel free to participate actively by asking questions and gaining instant feedback. Payment will be processed upon scheduling the virtual session.

3-Month Analysis


Experience a bi-weekly 30-minute virtual session with Coach Tee, coupled with a tailored training program designed to enhance optimal movement patterns for your sport-specific techniques.  Virtual Training can will be done via Trainerize Performance App.

Payment will be processed upon scheduling the initial virtual session.  Price is per month

6-Month Analysis


Similar to our 3-month analysis option,  as well as including two virtual strength and speed training sessions, per month, with Coach Tee and his staff.  

Payment will be processed upon scheduling the initial virtual session.  Price is per month.

Complete Form below to get started